from 3,60

Kolory Drogi Mlecznej Tapeta na Telefon

Photo taken in April 2023 in Tenerife in Teide National Park. The bottom side of the image shows the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy with a beautifully glowing red Nebulas from left to right: Trifid, Lagoon, Butterfly Cluster, Lobster, Cat's Paw. Top side of the photography shows one of the most colorful area of the night sky, Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex with Rho Ophiuchi nebula ( upper right ) and majestic Zeta Ophiuchi star ( upper left ).


Kolory Drogi Mlecznej – Tapeta na Telefon

Photo taken in April 2023 in Tenerife in Teide National Park. The bottom side of the image shows the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy with a beautifully glowing red Nebulas from left to right: Trifid, Lagoon, Butterfly Cluster, Lobster, Cat's Paw. Top side of the photography shows one of the most colorful area of the night sky, Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex with Rho Ophiuchi nebula ( upper right ) and majestic Zeta Ophiuchi star ( upper left ).

ATTENTION: The photo looks beautiful on a smartphone wallpaper, but the resolution of the photo is not suitable for printing the photo.

Product Description:

File: The product contains an electronic file in jpg format with the dimensions 961 x 1360px. After paying and downloading the file, you can place the photo on the screen of your smartphone.

Picture looks perfect as a wallpaper on the smartphone but resolution of this picture is not enough to print it.


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