North America Nebula
Title: North America Nebula
Author: Marcin Rosadziński
This photography depicts North America nebula, known also as NGC7000. This is a classical object in Autumn sky which is very well knows for majority of people who are interested in astrophotography. This picture is only 4 hours of material and taking this into consideration I need to say that quality and level of details supprised me very much in a positive way. This object was taken under sky with bortle class4 with filters L-Ultimate and L-Pro.
Equipment and Exif
📷Omegon Pro veTEC571C
💫WO ZenithStar73+flattener
🌌NINA, APP, Pixinsight, PS
✨Lights: 24x600s L-Ultimate, 30x180s L-Pro, Gain100, 40xDarks, 60Bias, 30Flats.